lördag 13 december 2014

Frankies discovers snow

Frankie moved to us in October in this is his first time being outside...and in snow! He thought it was pretty scary and apparently doesn't like to get his paws cold (but he likes playing with the water tap).

I'll give a full presentation of Frankie later, but until then, enjoy these photos.

- Go out? What do you mean? The appartment is the world, right?

- Hmm, this looks different...

- I'm sinking!

- Iiiiiiih, it's cold!

- Back to safety, back to safety...

tisdag 23 september 2014

The Big Escape

Fluff is by far the most adventurous of our cats. Yesterday she decided to visit our neighbors balcony. Below you can she pics when she is planing the big escape. Just when I had put down the camera, she jumped up on the rail and casually walked over the the neighbor.

The neighbor wasn't home, so I panicked a bit. How to get the cat back? The solution was ham. She came right back as soon as she heard me open the bag.

I think I will have to build something to prevent future escapes. Maybe a net? We live on the third floor, so there is a risk of her falling down as well.

torsdag 18 september 2014

Let's take a break

Fluffy thinks I´m nuts for making Xmas cards in September...So she decided it was time for me to take a break. By sitting on the card I was trying to draw. Very effective I must say.

Check out Azumstuff to see all the creative stuff I do.

tisdag 16 september 2014

Let's jump!

Usually when the cats do something funny I'm not able to catch it on film. But Fluffy tried to jump in to the laundry basket about 30 times in a row. She got in a few times. I lifted her out and she just continued trying to get in. She likes to sleep on the clothes. Especially newly washed.

Follow me on Instagram for more cute cat pics and creative stuff I do (like crafting and geocaching).

lördag 13 september 2014

Alike as two peas in a pod

Can you tell that they are mother and daughter? You have mom in the back and daughter in the front. The daughter, Fluffy, is a bit more slender.But when it comes to how they move and lay they are almost identical.

Dexter (mum) is about 1.5 years old. We don't now for sure. We rescued her from a tough life, where no one looked after her. She has probably had a home at some point but then been thrown out. Fluffy was born one month after we took Dexter in. She is a little more than one years old. There were three kittens in the litter, but only Fluffy was strong enough to survive.

We are very happy they came into our lives.

lördag 6 september 2014

I´m gonna cosy with you

I was feeling a bit down and I think the cats sensed it. My big cat Scott curled up and just lay on me, wanted to be patted of course. And the other two lay close on the floor. It looked like they were waiting in line.

Sorry for the poor quality, took'em with my cell phone.

fredag 29 augusti 2014

Loving the balcony

In the last apartment we live in we didn't have a balcony. But know we do and the cats love it! We live on third floor so we were a bit worried about a cat jumping out or something like that. But so far they are behaving really good. That is if you don't count drinking out of the watering can and using the chairs to scratch on.

Fluffy looking for birds

Thee water in the watering can is so much better than the water inside

- A chair you say? No, this is for scratching.

- I smell barbacue...

Me and Fluffy (she doesn't like selfies)

Fluffy is now the owner of all the furniture on the balcony. At least that how she sees it.

Dexter also likes the balcony but she is more of an indoor cat

tisdag 19 augusti 2014

Fluffy going for walk

We live on the third floor so Fluffy can only go out when we take here (about once a day). she loves being out in the morning and in the evening. In the middle of the day there is a little to much noise and kids running around. Our two other cats, Scott and Dexter, are to scared to go out.

Here favorite things is watching birds, chasing insects and smell cars. What is it with cats and cars? Every cat I have had, have enjoyed smelling cars.

söndag 17 augusti 2014

Dexter is finally relaxing

We got Dexter (it´s a she) when she was about 6 months old. she and her siblings had no home and lived on the country side. We have no idea what she have been through, but when we got here she was very afraid and shy. And she still is. Now she has lived with us for about a year and she has started to come in to her own.

She still doesn't like to be patted (unless you bribe here with food) but she finally starting to relax. She loves sleeping in the couch. and even if someone comes and sits next to her she stays. Had it been a few months ago she would have jumped down from the couch immediately.

So she seem more relaxed and enjoying herself more know. Can't even imaging how much she is going develop in the coming years. We are very grateful to have her.

tisdag 12 augusti 2014

Oops, forgot your birthday

Spent some hours making a hand drawn card for a friends birthday, but I forgot to send it! Well, at least he gets a digital one. My cat Fluffy was nice enough to pose for the photo.

Want a hand drawn postcard?

If you wanna see (and buy) my hand drawn postacrds go to Fiverr. And of course you can find all my creative shit at Azumstuff.com

torsdag 17 juli 2014

Camping with the cats

Earlier this summer we went camping with the cats. They loved being in the forest and as the day grew on the became bolder and bolder. No one escaped, but they sure explored the area well.

Dexter really liked being in the forest

She was a bit afraid in the begining, but then she explored a lot

Fluffy was runing around like crazy. She looked like a My Little Pony jumping around.

Fluffy on adventures

Fluffy smelling the flowers?

Fluffy getting ready to jump

Scott in the beginning of the trip....

Five minutes later....



Scott looking beautiful

fredag 27 juni 2014

Cats of Crete

We went on vacation to Crete recently and we met a lot of cute cats. Most cats where pretty well taken care of for "street cats". There was always a bowl of food and water nearby. But sure, most of them would be even better if they got to see a vet.

If you wanna see more photos from Crete, check out my Dayview.