tisdag 23 september 2014

The Big Escape

Fluff is by far the most adventurous of our cats. Yesterday she decided to visit our neighbors balcony. Below you can she pics when she is planing the big escape. Just when I had put down the camera, she jumped up on the rail and casually walked over the the neighbor.

The neighbor wasn't home, so I panicked a bit. How to get the cat back? The solution was ham. She came right back as soon as she heard me open the bag.

I think I will have to build something to prevent future escapes. Maybe a net? We live on the third floor, so there is a risk of her falling down as well.

torsdag 18 september 2014

Let's take a break

Fluffy thinks I´m nuts for making Xmas cards in September...So she decided it was time for me to take a break. By sitting on the card I was trying to draw. Very effective I must say.

Check out Azumstuff to see all the creative stuff I do.

tisdag 16 september 2014

Let's jump!

Usually when the cats do something funny I'm not able to catch it on film. But Fluffy tried to jump in to the laundry basket about 30 times in a row. She got in a few times. I lifted her out and she just continued trying to get in. She likes to sleep on the clothes. Especially newly washed.

Follow me on Instagram for more cute cat pics and creative stuff I do (like crafting and geocaching).

lördag 13 september 2014

Alike as two peas in a pod

Can you tell that they are mother and daughter? You have mom in the back and daughter in the front. The daughter, Fluffy, is a bit more slender.But when it comes to how they move and lay they are almost identical.

Dexter (mum) is about 1.5 years old. We don't now for sure. We rescued her from a tough life, where no one looked after her. She has probably had a home at some point but then been thrown out. Fluffy was born one month after we took Dexter in. She is a little more than one years old. There were three kittens in the litter, but only Fluffy was strong enough to survive.

We are very happy they came into our lives.

lördag 6 september 2014

I´m gonna cosy with you

I was feeling a bit down and I think the cats sensed it. My big cat Scott curled up and just lay on me, wanted to be patted of course. And the other two lay close on the floor. It looked like they were waiting in line.

Sorry for the poor quality, took'em with my cell phone.