tisdag 26 maj 2015

Perfect cats, perfect light

Taking pictures of cats can be a hassle. But the other day the sun was shining perfect into the living room. And lowe and behold, the cats where on their best modeling behavior! Seriously, this happens like one time a year.

Normally I have to paparazzi follow them, crawl on the floor, try to lore them out with toys...But this day, this day it was just "snap, snap, snap, done". Amazing. I feel like buying a lottery ticket now.





tisdag 19 maj 2015


We have a subscription for cat food at ZooZoo. So every 11th week or so a giant bag of cat food arrives at our door. But this time it was a month late, so the cats have been eating lower quality food in the meantime.

And boy where they excited when the IAMS-bag finally arrived. They opened the bag themselves and ate nonstop for an hour. then they took a break and then ate some more.

onsdag 13 maj 2015

Dexter tries carpeting

I´m doing some building around the house and I´m so lucky having Dexter to help. She takes care of all the sawing. At least she said she would, I´m still waiting for the first shelf to be sawed...

Wanna see what we are building? Check out Azumstuff.com

lördag 18 april 2015

First walk of the spring

Frankie didn't appropriate the winter that much, but boy does he love spring. We took him out for a walk and he loved it. He chased insects, run around on the grass, getting us sticks...Well, he pretty much behaved like a dog.

We let him of the leash for a while and he just went wild. Running around like a crazy cat. When we got back in again he sat by the door howling for about 30 minutes.

This is me trying to make sure Frankie doesn't disappear in the bushes...

My girlfriend Noomi and Frankie

lördag 11 april 2015

Out on the balcony

It's spring and the cats love hanging on the balcony. I plan to build some kind of protextion, so they can't fall down. But for now, they can only be out on the balcony when one of us is watching them. The get braver every day and often try to sneak over to the neighbors balcony.

Fluffy (brown) is a very curious cat, she examines everything. Sniffing the watering can, smells the floor and of course jumps up on the railing. Thankfully, she got excellent balance. Frankie (red) is 8 months old and amazed by pretty much anything. He loves watching the children play soccer on the pitch below. Of course you are supposed to lift him up so he can see properly.


söndag 5 april 2015

Time for a nap

Scott has found the perfect place for a nap. The box with clothes we are gonna donate to charity. I guess we have to donate the cat now. That's the rule, right?

Well, he might thought the he had found a perfect place to get some peace. But just a few minutes later Fluffy joined him in the box. She loves Scott and does anything to be close to him. And this time he couldn't relly get away, since Fluffy was laying atop of him. Win for Fluffy!

tisdag 17 februari 2015

The shy one

We got Dexter about 1.5 years ago. She and her siblings were living outside with no one to take care of them. She was really shy in the beginning but my girlfriend is somewhat of cat whisperer. She can pet her and lift her up. When Dexter sees me, she runs. I think she connects me with horrible stuff like being taken to the vet and showering.

But lately she has been more accepting of me. I can stand or sit next to her and sometimes pet her without her running away. It goes better if I don't look directly at her. Can't wait until she let me hug her.

I picture of Dexter from last summer. She is still shy, but getting more social by the day.

tisdag 10 februari 2015

Scott under cover

Scott loves laying under the cover. He digs his way in and thinks he is invisible (sometimes his tail sticks out). But he only does it when non of us in the bead. I guess he doesn't like sharing it. At least not with humans. Cats are accepted.

And oh yeah, he always looks mean in pictures but he is quite shy and very cuddly. Like a big teddy bear.