tisdag 17 februari 2015

The shy one

We got Dexter about 1.5 years ago. She and her siblings were living outside with no one to take care of them. She was really shy in the beginning but my girlfriend is somewhat of cat whisperer. She can pet her and lift her up. When Dexter sees me, she runs. I think she connects me with horrible stuff like being taken to the vet and showering.

But lately she has been more accepting of me. I can stand or sit next to her and sometimes pet her without her running away. It goes better if I don't look directly at her. Can't wait until she let me hug her.

I picture of Dexter from last summer. She is still shy, but getting more social by the day.

tisdag 10 februari 2015

Scott under cover

Scott loves laying under the cover. He digs his way in and thinks he is invisible (sometimes his tail sticks out). But he only does it when non of us in the bead. I guess he doesn't like sharing it. At least not with humans. Cats are accepted.

And oh yeah, he always looks mean in pictures but he is quite shy and very cuddly. Like a big teddy bear.